Today is the 248th day of the year. Only 117 left. More than two thirds of the year is over, fin, kaput. Where has it gone? Why wasn't there more beach time this unseasonably cool summer. And why aren't the kids back in school yet? (alas, only 2 more days of freedom for the rugrats) It's been a pretty good year, so far, happy & healthy, full of fun adventures and travels - Chicago, New York, Charleston, San Fran, Vegas, Bahamas, Orlando, Arizona, and San Luis Obispo. Those Go Go Greene's really get around. Lots of sailing for the punks. Lots of work for the parents, who are still struggling to figure out what they're doing. Overall, no complaints...knock on computerized wood.
For the rest of the year: help the kids meet the challenge of a new school year, figure out this work thing, hang with my p's, at least 2 or 3 more trips would be nice, more qualtity wife dates, enjoy the fall tv season, hope the flub's hire Ryno, spend quality time with the pups (one in decline and one exiting puppyhood), avoid stray magnutron's, celebrate some birthdays (mine's next....sorry Jillian, you've had your fiesta), and finish 2010 with a bang (lots of love). Cause 2011 is just a weird sounding year and would require a new name for this blog.