Monday, May 2, 2011

List Monday - Favorite Aristocrats

So Kate and Wills got hitched.  Here's my fav royalty:

10.  Queen of Jordan - she's hot and she's from Jordan

9.  Count Chocula - although a bit chocolatey for me

8.  Duke of Earl - nothing can stop him

7.  Burger King - lets you have it your way

6.  King Tut - born in Babylonia, moved to Arizona

5.  King Kong - a beast

4.  Billy Jean King - great backhand

3.  the Princess Bride - inconceivable

2.  King David - what a psalmist

1.  Prince - he just rocks out, royally!

honorable mentions:  Queen, Elvis, Count of Montechristo, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Nat King Cole, Queens, NY

1 comment:

  1. very clever,you can add Queen Lativa

